الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2016

Video emergence of Omar Suleiman in Nasr City

Transmission of a number of the pioneers of the social networking site, a video clip showing a man they said late Egyptian intelligence chief General Omar Suleiman, while performing the Hajj.

The video showed a man in the same body of Solomon in a wheelchair, dressed in ritual clothing, along with comments from the account that posted the video on "YouTube" in 2011: "Omar Suleiman leads pilgrimage amid tight security," the owner.

The late Omar Suleiman traveled at the beginning of November 2011 to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj and offer condolences to the Saudi king on the death of Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz, who died October 22, 2011. Suleiman and died on July 19, 2012, in the United States at the age of 76 years.

View the original content on the electronic gate of dawn - dawn Portal: Video .. the fact that the emergence of Omar Suleiman in a wheelchair in the "pilgrimage"