Quoted by Turkish news agency for Turkish, quoting security sources, said that the Istanbul Security Director Mustafa Jalishqan, received information that the orientation of President Erdogan to Istanbul, and gave orders to the police Special Operations on the impact of the implementation process for the control of the control tower at any price.
The capital, Ankara, Istanbul, late, on Friday (July 15), failed coup attempt, carried out limited elements of the army, which tried to close the two bridges linking the European halves and Asian Istanbul City, and control of security in which some institutions Directorate official and private media. And killed about 290 people, including 100 from the putschists and wounded nearly 1,500 others, as the Turkish authorities have arrested about 6 thousand people suspected of involvement in the failed coup attempt. Turkish President bore responsibility for what happened to oppose the "Fethullah Gulen," who lives in recent years, in the United States of America.