Gen. Sidqi Subhi, opened, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production number of units of the Armed Forces fuel management, which included the production unit oils and fluids for laboratory analysis and the production of the main oils, as well as business development and fuel the Red Mountain station; to be the first station inside forces armed operating system smart cards.
He gave the Commander in Chief, via the "video-conference", start to open one of the units of heavy transport a total capacity of 4,500 tons / trip signal, which maximize the added value of the transport units of the armed forces, and contribute to the provision of transport services ground to various civil sectors in the country, as well as the opening of four stations to serve Supply car east of the canal areas Ruwaisat and Wood and Romanh Valley mattresses each card 280 tons of fuel, and contribute to the future development projects of the state service and planned for the Sinai Peninsula.
And threw a brigade Abdalmrda strange, chief of logistics of the armed forces, speech in which he stressed that the supply body fighters and Supply are making every effort to develop and modernize the administrative and technical units and formations of the armed forces insurance system, and Almsahh in support of all sectors of the state of advancement of the homeland in various fields, pointing to the continued support of the General command of the armed forces, and provide all the capabilities to keep pace with the continued development of global armament systems, and build a production base to meet its self, and contribute to surplus production in the local market.
And he watched the commanding general of a documentary addressing development system and modernization witnessed by the body logistics of the armed forces, and its role in the provision of all the armed forces and civil sector requirements and collaboration with different ministries and bodies state; to ease the burden on the citizens, and the provision of basic goods at a discount to the children of the great Egyptian people.
And held commanding general tour of the various sections of the unity of the production of oils and liquids own, and listened to an explanation ensure productive potential and capabilities of the new units, which is the first building block in the production base for the management of the fuel, including transmitted from space management and consumption prospects of production, as well as business development and modernization of fuel mountain station Red, which was created according to the latest technological systems.
And he managed the commanding general of a dialogue with the officers and crews of technical supervisor of the new projects, expressing his happiness to the touch of the keenness of all of the items to follow the latest scientific systems in the development of the productive system of the armed forces, so as to achieve self-sufficiency and contribute to the rationalization of expenditure, and take maximum advantage of the possibilities available , to meet the needs of the armed forces and contribute to the support of the civil sector.
Subhi also met with a number of body logistics and body engineering and body of Military Justice and a national service projects fighters, and share breakfast, and thanked the armed forces for their sincere efforts during the past period, stressing that the armed forces will continue in the march of comprehensive development of the state, in addition to its main tasks in the defense of the security and safety of the nation.
And recommended the General Commander of the leaders and officers at all levels need to Permanent convergence and communication with subordinates, including contributing to boost the morale of the heroes of the armed forces, and enable them to perform all tasks the highest degree of efficiency and combat readiness.
Subhi and generosity of a number of officers and non-commissioned officers and manufacturers and military soldiers, civilians and workers from the men Authority logistics and body engineering of the Armed Forces and the Military judiciary and a national service projects, in recognition of their distinctiveness in the performance of their duties to the dedication and loyalty over the past period.
The meeting was attended by the team Mahmoud Hijazi, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, and the leaders of the main branches and a number of senior armed forces commanders.